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Welcome to codethatidea!

computer science coding class

Welcome to codethatidea, where young minds embark on an extraordinary journey into the realm of coding, unleashing their creative potential and imagination. We are a vibrant and innovative startup, passionately dedicated to empowering children, youth, and education facilities to get ready for the digital future through coding.

Our Mission

critical thinking and empowering

Empower and inspire young minds

creativity and innovation

Nurture creativity and innovation

coding for all children

Coding accessible to all children and youth

internet safety and responsible ding

Safe and responsible use of  technology

Online Education
kids learning algorithms and coding

With our courses and teaching services carefully crafted by professionals and experts, we teach our students to master the art of coding in languages like Scratch and Python, while guiding them through the captivating world of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Our Vision

love technology and coding

Ignite a passion for technology

interactive and creative learning

Prepare children and youth for digital future

professional coding curriculums

Empower education with coding

safe online presence and ethical coding and ethical AI

Raise awareness of safe, ethical and responsible coding

Online Education

Our young learners are encouraged to think critically, collaborate, and bring their boldest ideas to life. We create an immersive and engaging learning environment, blending interactive lessons, hands-on projects, and real-world applications to ignite a lifelong passion for coding. We spark their imagination, nurture their problem-solving abilities, and encourage them to create and use technology in an educated, safe, ethical, and responsible way.

Our Commitment

professional certified coding and AI curriculums

Engaging, interactive and certified curriculum made by field experts

interactive, empowering and fun learning coding by doing

Exceptional educational experience by computer science professionals

customized and personalized coding lessons

Self - paced, customized  programs that fit your time, place and needs

1:1 coding curriculums and professional support in learning

Personalized support to ensure the success of every learner

At codethatidea, we believe that even small changes can make a big difference. With instilled unwavering sense of confidence in their ability to shape the world around them, our students are getting ready to become architects of their own futures. Take part in our mission!

computer science, coding and artificial intelligence class

Working with us

Do you like what we stand for and do you share codethatidea's mission and vision? Stay tuned for business opportunities with us if you are interested in teaching computer science to young, curious, and creative minds worldwide!

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